23:15, 18/04/2023

Boosting campaign “Say No to plastic waste”

Over the past time, besides taking measures to improve the quality of teaching and learning, Van Ninh Vocational School has responded to the campaign “Say No to plastic waste” with practical activities, contributing to keeping the environment green, clean, beautiful and friendly, improving learning and teaching conditions.


Students with lamps made of used plastic spoons.


According to Le Hong Chau, Vice-Principal of the School, to effectively implement the campaign, the school has focused on propaganda against plastic waste via school broadcast, school meetings and so on. School staff and teachers have been mobilized to reduce plastics consumption.

The School Management Board has directed its Dormitory Management Board to mobilize students to classify garbage, put waste in the right place and promote the role of the Youth Union in implementing environmental models to respond to the movement "Say no to plastic waste". Le Quang Quynh, Secretary of the School Youth Union said since 2022, the Youth Union has developed "Free house" model to collect and classify used plastics. This model has received the participation of many members and students.

In addition, the Youth Union has also undertaken the construction of a playground made of scrap materials such as used tires and plastic pipes in remote areas and on islands; encouraged members and students to recycle plastic waste, contributing to a healthier environment as well as serving teaching, learning and other school activities.

Recently, the school Youth Union has held the Scientific and Technological Competition at school level and selected 3 products to advance to the provincial competition. They include lamps made of used plastic spoons by students from the Faculty of Tourism, delivering an environmental message that plastic waste can be recycled into useful objects in daily life. The items have been effectively applied in practice, serving teaching and learning in schools. Furthermore, the Youth Union also regularly organizes volunteering Green Sunday with clean-up operation at parks and the District Martyrs' Monument, etc.

The response to the campaign “Say No to plastic waste” has contributed to keeping environment greener, cleaner, more beautiful and friendly, improving teaching and learning conditions. In the coming time, the school will continue boosting activities in response to the anti plastic campaign by expanding existing environmental models and building new ones to raise quality of school activities, according to Le Hong Chau.

T.A – D.X

Translated by N.T