12:41, 06/07/2023

Master Nha Trang Bay restoration plan under supervision

On July 4, a supersivision mission of Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Khanh Hoa Province supervised the implementation of the master plan of Nha Trang Bay restoration till 2030.

Survey results from late 2022 to March 2023 showed that living corals covered about 74.5% of the north and southwest of Hon Mun; The northwest and west of Hon Mun saw signs of strong recovery of corals.

According to Nha Trang City People's Committee, Nha Trang Bay Management Board has frequently monitored the coral reef ecosystem, and removed thorny starfish and litter from Hon Mun waters. The Bay Management Board has coordinated with Nha Trang Beautiful Bay Club and related agencies to release 12,000 offspring to reproduce aquatic resources in the bay; plant mangroves at Dam Bay Island, Tac River and Cai River estauries.


Tran Ngoc Thanh, Chairman of the  Khanh Hoa Fatherland Front Committee speaks at the meeting with Nha Trang City People's Committee.


Tran Ngoc Thanh, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province suggested the locality would continue efforts to promote propaganda to save the marine environment in general and the restore Nha Trang Bay in particular.


Translated by N.T