12:21, 18/07/2023

Religious institutions join environmental protection efforts

Over the past time, the Fatherland Front at all levels and the sector of Natural Resources and Environment have coordinated with religious organizations in Khanh Hoa Province to promote environmental protection and climate change adaptation with practical activities.

Environmental models promoted

For several years, parishioners in residential group 14 (Van Gia Town, Van Ninh District) together with local people have been engaged in clean-up and tree cultivation on roads, in parks and on beaches. Especially, since 2022, more than 160 Buddhist families have joined environmental models to plant trees and tidy up roads and surrounding areas every month and week, helping create a pleasant environment.

Thich Nu Tu Minh, Female Abbot of Luong Hai Pagoda, Residential Quarter 14, said, “Besides trash pick-up in residential areas, we have also joined beach clean-up efforts with the locality; mobilized 30 aquaculture households to register to protect the marine environment and ecosystems by classifying waste and keeping the environment clean.”

Residents in Van Gia join clean-up efforts.

In Dong Da Village, Ninh Sim Commune, Ninh Hoa Town, the model of "Green road" implemented by Anna Church in collaboration with the Village Fatherland Front has proved effective. Under the model, 100 Caribbean Trumpet trees have been planted on both sides of the main road with a length of 500m. Residents have been urged to limit the use of plastic bags and single-use plastic items; and keep roads clean.

According to Catholic Priest Nguyen Van Dang, Administrator of the Anna Church, the Church has also integrated the State's policies and laws into the evangelistic programs; mobilizing parishioners to participate in the anti-plastic campaigns and tree-planting program to save the environment and adapt to climate change.

According to a report of Khanh Hoa Fatherland Front, implementing the joint program "Promoting the role of religions in environmental protection and climate change response" in the period 2017 - 2026, the Fatherland Front at all levels, Provincial Natural Resources and Environment sector and religion organizations have developed 202 self-managed environmental models, contributing to promoting environmental awareness.

Expansion continues 

According to Venerable Thich Giac Khong, Head of Cam Ranh City Buddhism Executive Committee, environmental protection activities are held regularly by temples and monasteries. For example, Phuoc Long Pagoda (Cam Thuan Ward, Cam Ranh City) has explained to Buddhists the importance of environmental protection and showed aquaculturists how to make and use feeding nets which can be recycled to prevent plastic disposal into water.

“In order to continue effectively implementing environmental protection programs, Cam Ranh City Buddhism Executive Committee has directed all pagodas, monasteries and viharas in the city to raise awareness of environmental protection. We have a plan to invite representatives from the Executive Committee to pagodas on special occasions to raise environmental awareness of monks, nuns and Buddhists,” said Thich Giac Khong.

According to Cao Ngoc Tam, Vice-Chairman of Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, many environmental models have been initiated and effectively implemented by dignitaries and officials in the province. At catechesis sessions, religious dignitaries and monks regularly teach followers about the roles and meaning of environmental protection; and mobilize followers to join tree-planting and clean-up efforts.

In the coming time, the Fatherland Front at all levels will continue coordinating with authorities and religious organizations to promote environmental evangelism to keep the environment green, clean and beautiful; organize training courses and support religious organizations in environmental protection and climate change adaptation.


Translated by N.T