13:09, 02/07/2023

Responding to Action Month for Environment 2023

Khanh Hoa General Hospital held a ceremony to respond to the Action Month for Environment 2023 with the participation of more than 100 staff on June 29.

At the launching event, representatives, patients and their families were informed of environmental protection benefits through practical actions such as properly disposing garbage, reducing the use of plastics and single-use plastics; saving electricity and water; and keeping the environment clean and safe.


Khanh Hoa General Hospital staff join the launching ceremony.


After the launching ceremony, hospital staff joined hands to clean and sanitize the hospital premises; hang environmental banners and posters and promote propaganda through direct communication and loudspeakers.

The event aimed to raise pubic awareness as well as get everyone, medical workers, patients and their families engaged in the environmental conservation campaign.


Translated by N.T