15:28, 17/08/2023

STEM-based teaching approach at primary schools

In the 2023-2024 school year, Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training will apply a STEM-based teaching approach at primary schools in the province.

STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications of problem-solving. Schools are encouraged to integrate art with the STEM curriculum to keep students engaged and foster problem-solving skills; making science, technology, engineering, and math experiments more entertaining and approachable.

According to Do Huu Quynh, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training, a STEM lesson is divided into 3 levels: teaching subjects using STEM approach, organizing hands-on learning activities and doing scientific and technical research. STEM education is mainly to deploy effectively the primary education program.

Teachers are motivated to use teaching equipment and materials readily available and easy to find as well as digital resources, virtual experiments, simulations and apps which can be easily accessed inside and outside the classroom to inspire and facilitate learning.

Assessment of student learning in interdisciplinary STEM education is conducted according to the regulations on Primary Education Program testing and assessment based on main methods such as observation and inquiry through learning records and regular assessment, which is important to motivate students' progress, build confidence and keep them actively engaged in class.

Hands-on learning is through activities at clubs, events and study projects. During hands-on learning activities, students work in groups to learn problem-solving skills; actively engage in what they are learning to brainstorm creatively to solve problems. Hands-on learning activities may be held outside traditional classrooms and beyond school time.

Besides the two methods, at primary schools, STEM education may be designed with scientific and technical research for those who are interested in research projects by working individually or in group with the guidance of teachers or in collaboration with families, production facilities, universities, research institutes, science centers, experts, artisans, scientists, etc.

To prepare for the implementation of STEM education, the Department of Education and Training has recently organized training courses for teaching staff and managers in the province. From the school year 2023-2024, each Division of Education and Training will choose at least 5 primary schools for STEM training which will then expand to all schools in the 2024-2025 school year.

The Divisions of Education and Training are responsible for providing counseling related to funding and facilities for district-level People's Committees to ensure effective STEM education. Primary schools are to prepare STEM education facilities and training based on their actual situations.

The Ministry of Education and Training has built a website https://stemtieuhoc.edu.vn to provide access to teaching and learning resources developed by experts and teachers for reference.


Translated by N.T