15:38, 18/09/2023

Boosting cyberspace security

Ensuring cyberspace security is among the top priorities in the process of applying information technology in digital transformation and developing the e-government.

At the recent training conference on legal documents on cyberspace and information security in Khanh Hoa Province in 2023, Senior Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Dinh Do Thi, Department of Cyber ​​Security and Hi-tech Crime Prevention (Ministry of Public Security) warned smartphone users of accidentally activating spyware by clicking a link in a message, enabling cyberstalkers to spy on their victims’ phones and gain access to private information. 

According to a representative of the Provincial Cyber ​​Security and Safety Subcommittee, the cyber insecurity is alarming, posing the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches with personal information exposed to cyber criminals.

To improve cyber security, as the Standing Agency of the Provincial Cyber ​​Security and Safety Subcommittee, the Provincial Public Security will conduct a thorough analysis of achievements as well as shortcomings and limitations to have urgent solutions to the cyber security problems.

Besides, the Provincial Police will provide counseling for the Provincial Cyber ​​Safety and Security Subcommittee to conduct cyber security and safety checks at local agencies and units in the province in the first quarter of 2024.

Through the proactive approach, the Provincial Cyber Security and Safety Subcommittee will find out weaknesses and vulnerabilities in cyber security and safety and thus promptly have solutions to the issue; at the same time, increase public officials and civil servants’ awareness to remain vigilant against hackers and stalkerware.

Colonel Dinh Hong Nghiep noted that the immediate solution of local agencies is to provide and enhance cyber security training and consider ensuring cyber security is among the key tasks during digital transformation.


Translated by N.T