18:05, 28/09/2023

Citizen satisfaction survey with public services 2023

Implementing Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee’s plan, a citizen satisfaction survey with public services 2023 will run from September to November to gather to feedback from residents to evaluate the level of satisfaction with municipal service provided by State administrative agencies in public health, education and training in Khanh Hoa Province in 2023. 

According to Vo Chi Vuong, Director of the Department of Home Affairs, the satisfaction survey is to accurately assess the quality of services provided by administrative agencies and public service institutions, allowing the province to know strengths and weaknesses in order to promptly find solutions to improve service quality and increase the level of satisfaction of organizations, businesses and individuals; contributing to achieving the goals of the Provincial Administrative Reform Program for the period 2021 - 2030. The results of the satisfaction survey are also considered as a basis for evaluating and ranking administrative reform of public agencies, institutions and localities in the province.

In 2023, the province had planned conduct the citizen satisfaction survey through 24,670 survey cards. However, currently, 5 regional polyclinics in Nha Trang City have been merged into Yersin Nha Trang General Hospital, so the number of survey cards has been reduced by 400 to 24,270.

Specifically, the Department of Home Affairs presides over the survey of 6 agencies and localities with 8,150 survey cards. They include professional agencies under the Provincial People's Committee and Van Phong Economic Zone Management Board: 1,220 survey cards; central agencies located in the province and affiliations: 2,660 survey cards; District-level People's Committees: 1,350 survey cards; Provincial Land Registration Offices and branches: 540 survey cards; General and specialized hospitals in the province: 1,660 survey cards; General clinics in districts, towns and cities: 720 survey cards.

The Department of Education and Training presides over the survey of public service agencies, colleges and universities: 560 survey cards; The district-level People's Committees chairs the survey of 3 blocks of agencies with 15,560 survey cards.

For administrative agencies, people surveyed are randomly selected from the list of customers who have transactions and use services. Customers’ feedback will be gathered directly at medical service providers. For educational and training units, the survey will get feedback from pupils’ parents and students at colleges and universities in the province.

To ensure transparency and openness, the Department of Home Affairs, Department of Education and Training, and District-level People's Committees will hire independent units to survey the level of citizen satisfaction with public institutions in the province from September to November (during and outside office hours). The survey will be conducted at workplaces, homes, hospitals, clinics and medical stations. After that, the assigned agency will enter the survey findings and report to the Department of Home Affairs for analysis. Survey results will be announced before December 15.


Translated by N.T