23:34, 30/09/2023

In commemoration of International Day of Older Persons (October 1, 1991 -2023):
Taking care and promoting roles of the elderly

This year 2023, the Action Month for the Elderly is themed "The elderly are fully promoted and cared for". Since the beginning of the year, the care and support for the elderly in Khanh Hoa Province have much improved and come in vaious forms, including developing intergenerational self-help clubs to promote the roles and enhance the well-being of older adults.

According to Nguyen Thi Hanh, Chief of the Representative Board of Khanh Hoa Association for the Elderly, the Provincial Elderly Association's Representative Board has coordinated with the International Elderly Support Organizations and relevant agencies to organize conferences on guidance on elderly club management and operation skills. The province has established 72 clubs, including 30 clubs funded by the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) sponsored by the Japanese Government, through the World Bank and coordinated by the HelpAge International Organization.

The Association for the Elderly has also honored the elderly with business and production efficiency in the period 2018 – 2023. Responding to the campaign namely the elderly with business and production efficiency launched by the Central Association, the movement always receives much concern and leadership of the Party Committee and authorities at all levels in the province; support by the Fatherland Front, organizations and relevant departments and agencies in guiding scientific and technological transfer, organizing seminars and building effective economic models for the elderly.

Over the past 5 years, The campaign “The elderly with business and production efficiency” has gained achievements, contributing to creating jobs; helping many elderly people in need. Many good examples of the elderly doing good business and production have been commended by the Central and provincial authorities.

Furthermore, elderly care and support have been ensured with longevity celebrations and gifts totaling VND76 billion together with gifts and cash from leaders of Vietnam Association for the Elderly and other benefactors; allowances of more than VND89.62 billion for more than 18,000 older persons; over VND3.5 billion mobilized to the Elder Care Fund, etc.

The Association for the Elderly at all levels in the province has continued improving its performance and operation; promoting the roles of the elderly to ensure seniors lead a happy, healthy and active life, contributing to the development of their Khanh Hoa homeland.

Implementing the instructions of the Vietnam Elderly Association, the Provincial Elderly Association Representative Board has coordinated with the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to provide consultancy for the Provincial People's Committee to issue a plan to implement the Vietnamese Action Month for the Elderly 2023 to raise public awareness and sense of responsibility in implementing the Law on the Elderly and other policies related to the elderly; Mobilize community resources to join hands in elderly care; and Encourage the elderly to get engaged in the government construction, urban civilization and new rural development.

Implementing the theme "The Elderly are fully promoted and cared for", the Provincial Elderly Association's Representative Board has proposed various practical activities, such as empowering the elderly to contribute their valuable accumulation of knowledge and experience in building the grassroots political system, environmental protection; take part in physical exercise, sports, culture and art activities, especially through clubs to help them stay healthy – physically, mentally and emotionally. The province will provide support for the destitute old people with disabilities.

In particular, approved by the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Vietnam Association for the Elderly in coordination with the Provincial People's Committee will organize the Elderly Singing Festival in the Central Region and Highlands in Nha Trang City on October 5 - 8 with the participation of 14 provinces and cities. The Provincial Elderly Association Representative Board in coordination with the Department of Culture and Sports had organized a provincial round with the participation of 8 teams from 8 districts, towns and cities to choose a team to advance to the regional round.


Translated by N.T