18:36, 07/09/2023

Khanh Hoa Newspaper and other agencies offer computers, bookshelves and scholarships to schools

Thai Thi Le Hang, Khanh Hoa Newspaper Editor-in-Chief together with leaders of Khanh Viet Corporation and Thanh Hai Private Enterprise attended a new school year opening ceremony and offered gifts to Vinh Phuoc 1 Primary School, Nha Trang City on September 5.

The gifts included 5 desk computers worth VND35 million; 10 bookshelves worth VND20 million, 10 scholarships worth VND1 million each; 20 scholarships worth VND500,000 each, 1,000 notebooks worth more than VND5 million; and 45 school bags with a total cost of nearly VND100 million.

Leaders of Khanh Hoa Newspaper, the Trade Union of Khanh Viet Corporation give computers, bookshelves and notebooks to Vinh Phuoc 1 Primary School.

On the same day, Le Hoang Trieu, Khanh Hoa Newspaper Vice-Editor-in-Chief together with the leaders of Long Sinh Company, Ltd and Khatoco Factory attended a new school year opening ceremony at Khanh Hoa – JeJu Primary School, Suoi Cat Commune, Cam Lam District.

Leaders of Khanh Hoa Newspaper and Long Sinh Company award scholarships to children at Khanh Hoa - Jeju Primary School.

On this occasion, the leaders of Khanh Hoa Newspaper and Long Sinh Company awarded 20 scholarships worth VND1 million each to disadvantaged children. Khanh Hoa Newspaper and the Trade Union of Khanh Viet Corporation presented 500 notebooks; Khatoco Factory donated 1,000 notebooks and 10 school bags to the 1st graders.

H.L - T.L

Translated by N.T