14:41, 29/10/2023

Joint efforts to safeguard workers’ rights

In recent years, the Trade Union at all levels in Khanh Hoa Province has enhanced coordination with the social insurance at all levels to ensure legitimate rights of union members and employees together with promoting propaganda to raise employers' and employees’ awareness and compliance with the labor laws.

Effectiveness from cooperation

Recently, Cam Lam District Labor Federation coordinated with the district Social Insurance to publicize employment legislation, including regimes for arduous and hazardous work, sickness, retirement, and occupational diseases, etc. for employers and more than 50 employees of Pegas Vietnam Co., Ltd., Bai Dai Branch (Cam Hai Dong Commune, Cam Lam District).

Workers gave many questions and received answers about regimes and policies related to their legal rights and interests.  A worker named Le Thi Thu said, "This is a very practical activity, helping us understand regulations to protect our rights. Hopefully, this activity will be regularly organized".

A grassroots Trade Union official gives opinions about implementing social insurance policies to find solutions. ensure benefits for workers.

According to Le Hung Chinh, Deputy Director of the Provincial Social Insurance Management and Administration, in recent years, the Provincial Social Insurance and the Provincial Labor Confederation have coordinated to provide consultancy for the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and Provincial People's Committee to issue more than 200 guidance documents on the implementation of social insurance and health insurance regimes and policies. Propaganda on social insurance laws has been promoted in many forms via websites and social media.

Since 2018, the two sectors have organized 1,515 propaganda conferences and dialogues with 44,397 unionists and workers; 64 training conferences and dialogues with 19,379 employers. During the years of the Covid-19 outbreak, the two sectors jointly provided live-streaming guidance procedures for aid grants with more than 200,000 followers and interactions and more than 3,500 questions raised and answered.

In addition, every month, the Provincial Social Insurance announces the list of enterprises violating the laws on social insurance and health insurance as a basis for the Trade Union to conduct inspections and supervision to protect the rights of employees.

Strengthening connection

According to Bui Hoai Nam, Chairman of the Provincial Labor Confederation, through the coordination between the two sectors, the social insurance at all levels has collected and shared information about the workplace, helping establish grassroots trade unions and develop membership; thereby, proactively implementing activities to care for and protect the legitimate rights of unionists and employees.

The Trade Union at all levels has established 1,512 grassroots affiliations with 88,700 members. In the 2023 – 2028 term, the Provincial Trade Union aims to enroll 33,000 members. To achieve this goal, in the coming time, the Trade Union at all levels will strengthen coordination with provincial social insurance and localities to survey and increase membership, and establish grassroots trade unions; expand and innovate activities to provide assistance and protect the rights of members and employees, especially monitoring the implementation of regimes and policies on social insurance and employment.

In the coming time, the Provincial Social Insurance sector will proactively coordinate with the Trade Union at all levels and agencies to take good care of members and employees, contributing to ensuring social security, legal rights and interests of employees in a harmonious and productive working relationship; innovating propaganda of the laws, increasing the membership; boosting inspection and dialogues with enterprises to ensure the protection of unionists’ legal rights.

All is moving toward universal coverage of social health insurance and an increase in the number of people of retirement age receiving pensions, monthly social insurance and retirement benefits.


Translated by N.T