22:54, 01/10/2023

Khanh Hoa Public Service Center officially opens

Khanh Hoa Public Service Center officially opened at 26 Hoang Hoa Tham, Nha Trang City on September 30. Present at the event were Nguyen Duy Hoang, Deputy Director General of the Administrative Procedures Control Agency (Government Office); Tran Ngoc Thanh, Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; Le Huu Hoang, Standing Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee; Pham Thi Xuan Trang, Vice-Chairperson of the Provincial People's Council; Le Huu Tri, in charge of Deputy Head in charge of the National Assembly Delegation of Khanh Hoa Province.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony for Khanh Hoa Public Service Center.

Facilitating administrative procedures

The Provincial People's Committee issued a decision to establish Khanh Hoa Public Service Center on December 30, 2022. The center has 3 professional offices for Instructions and Reception; Inspection and Supervision; and General Administration. The Office of Instructions and Reception has 24 counters handling administrative procedures in many sectors.

The center is a specialized administrative unit under the Provincial People's Committee Office with 30 officials from 21 agencies and localities.; Chief of the Provincial People's Committee Office concurrently Director of the Center.

The center provides seamless access to the full range of government services and conveniences, including cooperation in handling administrative procedures, digitizing records; monitoring and evaluating the dossier settlement; collecting fees (if any); giving support for online services; receiving and handling any complaints, denunciations; and keeping organizations and individuals informed of opinions and solutions from competent authorities, etc. 

Le Huu Hoang, Standing Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee gives a staffing decision to the center leaders.

Khanh Hoa Public Service Center is designed to provide convenient, efficient “one-stop” services to individuals and organizations. Tran Thi Nhu Quynh (296/36/18 Luong Dinh Cua St., Ngoc Hoi Village, Vinh Ngoc Commune, Nha Trang City said, “The center of one-stop services is well-equipped and convenient with client-friendly office space."

Efforts to improve administrative service

Nguyen Thanh Ha, Chief of the Provincial People's Committee Office, Director of the Center said that the center will coordinate closely with departments, agencies and localities to ensure convenient, transparent and seamless access to the full range of administrative procedures; as well as monitor, supervise and evaluate administrative processes according to the interconnected one-door mechanism.

The center is willing to receive any feedback related to the handling of administrative procedures to improve performance to ensure efficient, modern, convenient and friendly service with client satisfaction considered the top priority for the service.

Le Huu Hoang requested the center to operate under the motto "Discipline, responsibility, dedication and professionalism"; thoroughly apply information technology; promptly provide support for clients; evaluate and improve client satisfaction.

The center contributes to facilitating investment and business; creating favorable conditions to attract resources for development investment, meeting the requirements of comprehensive international integration, creating an important premise for the province to continue Implementing Resolution No. 09 by the Politburo on construction and development of Khanh Hoa Province till 2030 with a vision till 2045", Le Huu Hoang emphasized.


Khanh Hoa Public Service Center is officially operational from September 30.


One of the first clients at the center.

According to the Provincial People's Committee’s Decisions No. 1619 and No. 1620 dated July 14, 2023, the center is in charge of receiving dossiers and returning results of 1,595 administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of 21 agencies (including 17 departments, Van Phong Economic Zone Management Board, Provincial Social Insurance, Provincial Tax Department and Provincial Public Security). The center opens from Monday to Friday and Saturday morning (if any), except on national holidays.

When the center has come into operation, one-stop service sections at relevant departments no longer exist. Documents of administrative procedures can be submitted directly at the center; or through public postal services; performed online via the National Public Service Portal and Provincial Public Service Portal.

The center's operation marks an important progress in improving public service, affirming the great efforts of the Provincial Party Committee in administrative posesses. Leaders, residents and businesses can monitor the process of resolving administrative procedures, thus gradually improving the quality of administrative posesses.

The center not only directly handles administrative procedures but also digitizes records and results of administrative settlement; guides the implementation of online public services; contributing to the formation of digital enterprises and digital citizens. This is also one of the Government's goals of promoting digital transformation, according to Nguyen Duy Hoang, Deputy Director General of the Administrative Procedures Control Agency (Government Office).


Translated by N.T