08:45, 24/01/2024

Indian Ambassador visits Khanh Hoa



Nguyen Hai Ninh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee welcomed Sandeep Arya, Indian Ambassador to Vietnam on January 22.

Nguyen Hai Ninh expressed his delight that Vietnam and India’s relationship has grown significantly over years in many fields. He thanked the Indian Embassy and the Indian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City for the support and link to organize several cultural and educational activities as well as provide financial assistance to implement some projects in Khanh Hoa.


Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Hai Ninh gives a souvenir photo of Ponagar Temples to Indian Ambassador Sandeep Arya.



Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Hai Ninh suggested the Indian Ambassador would provide link for Indian businesses to invest in Khanh Hoa; Indian Government to open direct flights from major Indian cities to Khanh Hoa, and continue to support phase 2 of the Software Park at the University of Information and Communications.

According to Sandeep Arya, Indian investors are very interested in investing in Vietnam, especially in the fields of clean energy, renewable energy, information technology, education and training. The Indian Ambassador may support Khanh Hoa in cultural heritage innovation.

On this occasion, Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Hai Ninh invited Ambassador Sandeep Arya to attend the 2024 Nha Trang Sea Tourism Festival to have better understanding of Khanh Hoa tourism.


Translated by N.T