07:56, 25/02/2024

University admission 2024: More specialties, more choice

Along with many universities and colleges across the country, universities in Khanh Hoa Province have just simultaneously announced the admission methods for 2024. Accordingly, the basic admission methods remain stable as in 2023. Besides, some schools have new specialties, giving candidates more options.

This year, Nha Trang University enrolls students in 4 new majors, including marine engineering, computer science, auditing and manufacturing engineering with 36 specialties. Besides, the university has 2 new training programs, including a special training program in tourism and travel operation management; and a specialized program in nutritional and culinary science (food technology). The total enrollment target is 3,700 students.

University enrolment advisory session.

4 enrollment methods applied in 2024 are based on exemptions for entrance examination according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, high school records, 2024 national high school exam and the aptitude test by the Ho Chi Minh City National University and Hanoi National University, according to Associate Professor, PhD. To Van Phuong, Chief of the Undergraduate Training Department, Nha Trang University.

16 majors are available at Pacific Ocean University with 3 new majors namely graphic design; multimedia communications and software technology with a total of 1,500 places, according to Nguyen Thanh Hung, Director of Admissions and Communications Center, Pacific Ocean University.

Khanh Hoa University has 1 new major, namely history and geography pedagogy, bringing the total number of full-time university majors to 22 with more than 1,000 places. In addition, the university continues with 6 Associate courses in specific art.

The university applies 4 enrollment methods, including exemptions for entrance examination according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, high school records, 2024 national high school exam results, and the results of the aptitude test by the Ho Chi Minh City National University, according to Ph.D. Bui Van Nguyen, Deputy Chief of The school training department.

Ton Duc Thang University Khanh Hoa Branch has 2 new majors, graphic design and computer science, out of 9 in 2024. Accordingly, the enrollment methods 2024 include high school records, 2024 national high school exam results; priority and exemptions for entrance examination according to the university and Ministry of Education and Training; and the results of the aptitude test by the Ho Chi Minh City National University.

At a recent admission consulting program held in Khanh Hoa, MA. Hoang Thuy Nga,  senior expert of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training said that the 2024 high school graduation exam basically remains stable as in 2023. However, the exam regulations have some modifications to better ensure the responsibilities of relevant parties as well as the responsibilities and rights of candidates.

The university admission registration begins after the high school graduation exam scheduled to take place from June 20 to 30. Students are advised to read university admission and application information carefully to get admission offers and choose suitable majors matching their capacities and interests.


Translated by N.T