13:18, 13/03/2024

Khanh Hoa provincial delegation works with Consulate General of Vietnam in Shanghai, China


Khanh Hoa provincial delegation led by Nguyen Khac Toan, Permanent Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People’s Council had a working session with Consulate General of Vietnam in Shanghai, China on March 12.

Consul General of Vietnam in Shanghai Nguyen The Tung welcomed the delegation and introduced about the Consulate General of Vietnam in Shanghai; and socio-economic development of Shanghai in particular and in China in general.





The provincial delegation’s visit to China aimed to promote tourist destinations, products and tourism development policies of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa to Chinese tourism associations, agencies and enterprises; and survey Chinese night-time tourism development models for the implementation of a night-time economic development project in the province until 2030.

Besides, the delegation will have a working session with leaders of Zhejiang, China to enhance tourism development cooperation, trade and people-to-people exchanges; organize a tourism promotion conference in China to attract visitors from China to Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa in 2024 and the following years.


Khanh Hoa Provincial delegation and officials of Consulate General of Vietnam in Shanghai pose for photos.



Nguyen Khac Toan hoped that in the coming time, Nguyen The Tung and the staff of the Vietnamese Consulate General in Shanghai would provide support for the promotion and connection of cooperation between Khanh Hoa Province and localities of China in the field of tourism, attract Chinese tourists by air to Vietnam and Khanh Hoa Province; support the promotion of tourism of Khanh Hoa Province and connection with Chinese partners to promote investment and trade; education and training; traffic and transportation; industrial development and cultural exchange activities of the two countries.

On this occasion, Nguyen Khac Toan offered souvenirs to the Consulate General of Vietnam in Shanghai, some specialties of salangane’s nest products to Nguyen The Tung and Consulate General officials.


Translated by N.T