19:22, 15/05/2024

Child care and education focused

The Youth Union and Young Pioneer Organization have implemented various educational activities, creating playgrounds for children to develop life skills and achieve all-round development.

Several playgrounds for children

Currently, more than 112,000 young pioneers and 64,000 kids are participating in activities held by the Young Pioneer Organization in Khanh Hoa Province. Khanh Hoa Youth Union and Young Pioneer Organization at all levels have focused on child care and education by effectively organizing youth campaigns to meet children's learning and entertainment needs.

Provincial Comrade Association, Nha Trang Comrade Association and Phuoc Tien School Young Pioneer detachment (Nha Trang) implement the project "Spratly Islands in my heart".

According to Huynh Thi Nhu Y, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Comrade Association, ideological and traditional education is always focused in various forms such as visits to Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, revolutionaries and their families; clean-up at village communal houses; incense burning and wreath-laying at martyrs' cemeteries; journeys to historical relic sites and so on.

In 2023, the Provincial Youth Union and Comrade Association organized more than 20 ideological and traditional education activities with the participation of more than 149,587 young pioneers and children across the province.  

The Provincial Youth Union and Comrade Association organize Young Pioneers’ Propaganda Festival 2024.

Most recently, the Provincial Youth Union and Comrade Association have implemented the project "Spratly Islands in my heart" in the form of building a model of Spratly Islands landmark to inspire the love for the national sea and islands among students and kids.

Since the 2023 - 2024 school year, the Provincial Comrade Association at all levels has implemented activities, creating an environment for children to carry out the campaign "Vietnamese children emulate and follow Uncle Ho’s five teachings".

The Provincial Comrade Association and the Provincial Children's House organized an online English contest, attracting the participation of more than 700 children. The Provincial Youth Union and Comrade Association organized Young Pioneers’ Propaganda Festival 2023, and publicized the Children's Law. Young Pioneer detachments provided knowledge and skills related to fire prevention and control at schools, etc.

The youth project of a playground for children implemented by youth organizations for children in Khanh Thuong Commune (Khanh Vinh District).

Moreover, many other campaigns were effectively organized to promote good deeds and environmental protection, contributing to nurturing personality, ethics and developing life skills for teenagers and children.

Care for young pioneers and kids

In addition to education and training, implementing the "For our beloved juniors" Campaign, activities to care for the younger generation have been carried out by the Youth Union and Young Pioneers Organization.

Every year, the Provincial Comrade Association at all levels organizes several activities to mark the "Action Month for Children" such as raising public awareness of a safe friendly and healthy environment for children; and the National Child Protection Hotline (number 111); mobilizing businesses, organizations and individuals to help victims of abuse and violence; supporting child protection models; building playgrounds for kids, etc.

On the occasions of the Mid-Autumn Festival, International Children's Day, Lunar New Year..., the Provincial Youth Union jointly with the Comrade Association and many organizations offers gifts to needy children; and organizes entertainment activities for children in disadvantaged areas and ethnic minority areas.

Provincial Youth Union, Students' Association and Comrade Association present gifts to children at the Provincial General Hospital on the occasion of Lunar New Year 2024.
Cam Lam District Youth UNion, Youth Federation,  Comrade Association hands a house over to a disadvantaged member.

In the 2022 - 2023 school year, district-level federations and Comrade Association affiliations helped more than 45,000 children in need with a total cost of more than VND4.5 billion. In addition, every summer, the Youth Union and Young Pioneers Organization organize activities to develop presentation skills, healthy online interaction skills, life skills against child abuse and violence; water safety skills, etc.

With practical activities, satisfactory results have been achieved in child care and education, contributing to creating a sound environment for children to develop fully to become good children, good students and obedient children of Uncle Ho.


Translated by N.T