06:22, 17/05/2024

Opening new work opportunities for residents

On March 19, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued a decision to implement a scheme on vocational training and job creation support for residents, especially fishermen and aquaculturists affected by the projects in Van Phong Economic Zone, Van Ninh District.

Working at lobster farms in Van Ninh District.

8 vocational training and job creation support models

Under the amended general planning for the construction of Van Phong Economic Zone to 2040, vision to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister stated in Decision No. 298 dated March 27, 2023, many projects will be developed in Northern Van Phong area (in Van Ninh District) towards the planning of a luxurious tourist area on Hon Lon Island and Hon Gom Peninsula; an international tourist and transshipment port; industrial and port logistics service constructions; tourist urban areas, etc.

According to surveys, as many as 72,438 residents in the working age group are expected to be affected by the projects. Among them, a large number of skilled workers is forecast to be in demand to serve the goal of developing economic sectors in Van Phong Economic Zone.

Besides, the labor structure will shift sharply from agriculture, forestry and fishery to service, tourism, trade and industry. Therefore, vocational training and job creation support policies are vital for job transfer and income improvement in a sustainable way.

Snail harvest in Van Tho Commune.

The Provincial People's Committee has assigned departments and localities to focus on implementing 8 models providing vocational training support for workers aged 16 - 25 to take vocational classes less than 3 months in the fields of trade, services, hospitality, processing, mechanics, textiles, electricity, electronics and civil refrigeration; open an elementary non-agricultural training course for less than 3 months for workers aged 26 - 35; provide off-shore fishing and fishery logistics services training for labor in the fishing sector.

Workers aged 35 to 60 will benefit from a livelihood model and a primary vocational training course of less than 3 months in the following sectors of service, security, ornamental plant care, hospitality and high-tech agriculture. The livelihood model of career transfer and training for workers aged 50 and over will be based on traditional occupations and small-scale services and trade.

In addition, a model to support workers working abroad under contracts is mainly for ages 18 to 35, especially those from poor households, ethnic minority families and people with disabilities. They will benefit from assistance in terms of vocational training and job creation and access to loans for production development or overseas work.

Shrimp and fish farms in the coastal area of Van Ninh District.

Work transfer demand

Surveys show that most people in project areas wish to get vocational training support to raise their qualifications and obtain sustainable work, especially in the fields of hospitality, electricity, electronics, civil refrigeration, welding, mechanics, services, tourism and industry.

The family of 5 of Le Van Khanh (Dam Mon Village, Van Thanh Commune) depends on lobster farming with ups and downs due to diseases. He is happy that the land withdrawal for the development of projects on Van Phong Economic Zone is accompanied by job transfer support for affected people. He hoped the support policy on vocational training and appropriate career change with stable income will be implemented soon.

According to the leader of Van Ninh District People's Committee, implementing projects in Van Phong Economic Zone promises to open up prospects for the locality together with many sustainable and stable job opportunities with high income for local people.

According to Ta Hong Quang, Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs,  the Provincial People's Committee has planned to spend more than VND359 billion to support vocational training and job creation for those affected by the projects in Van Ninh District.

Under the direction of the Provincial People's Committee, the department is guiding relevant agencies and localities to effectively implement the support the scheme and direct affiliations to boost vocational counseling and training; and job recommendations to local people in affected areas.


Translated by N.T