12:26, 22/06/2024

99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day and awarding ceremony of Khanh Hoa Press Awards

Khanh Hoa Provincial Journalists’ Association held the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day and awarding ceremony of Khanh Hoa Press Awards on June 21.

Present at the event were Nguyen Khac Toan, Permanent Deputy Secretary of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Le Huu Tho, Member of Khanh Hoa Provincial Standing Party Committee; Head of the Provincial Department of Propaganda & Training; Dinh Van Thieu, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee; Tran Thu Mai, Vice-Chairperson of Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee together with members and journalists in the province.

First prizes are awarded.

At the ceremony, Dinh Van Thieu conveyed greetings to the staff, leaders, editors and journalists. He highly appraised journalists’ contribution to propagandizing State laws and policies as well as local political and socio-economic events. Press agencies have made great progress, especially in digital transformation.

The Khanh Hoa Press Awards received nearly 200 works of many types of journalism. 22 prizes, including 2 first, 4 second, 6 third and 10 consolation prizes were awarded. The first prizes went to a work by Dai Hai, Khanh Hoa Newspaper and the other by Hoai Nguyet, Dinh Thong, Nguyen Nam, Minh Duc, Ngo Tin, Anh Thuyen, Hong Khanh, Nguyen Nhung, Tien Van, Quoc Dat from Khanh Hoa Radio – Television Station.

On this occasion, Vietnam Journalists’ Association offered commemorative medals and admitted new members. Khanh Hoa Provincial Journalists’ Association gave certificates of merit to 8 excellent members.


Translated by N.T