09:33, 12/06/2024

National Sea and Island Week and Action Month for Environment launched

On June 10, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment jointly with Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee held a ceremony to launch the National Sea and Island Week and the Action Month for the Environment in response to the World Environment Day and the World Oceans Day.

The World Environment Day 2024 themed “Land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience” together with the World Oceans Day 2024 themed “Awaken New Depth” calls on everyone to join hands towards the goals of land restoration, desertification combat, and drought resilience, so as to respond to climate change and limit its negative impacts; protect natural ecology, and improve livelihoods and food security for the sustainability of the oceans.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment awarded logo trophies to those with significant contributions to environmental protection.

The minister called on ministries, sectors, agencies, organizations, local authorities, businesses, and residents to take actions to solve drought and desertification, contributing to protecting the environment; sustainably exploit marine resources and adapt to climate change.

At the launching ceremony, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment awarded logo trophies to the Central Association of the Elderly and Vietnam Women's Union; Veterans Association, the World Wide Fund For Nature in Vietnam, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee for significant contributions to environmental protection.


Translated by N.T