23:10, 10/06/2024

Promoting traditional cultural values

Khanh Vinh youth has recently organized various models and activities to preserve and promote the traditional cultural values ​​of local ethnic minorities.

Effective clubs

The Red Sun Club members are always busy before performances preparing costumes and attending rehearsals consistently. Pi Nang Thi My Linh, Khanh Thuong Commune, a member of the club, said: "We always practice hard before the performance not only to build the reputation of the club but also contribute to preserving traditional cultural values among young people."

The Red Sun Club performance at the launching ceremony of the Summer Volunteer Youth Campaign 2024.

According to Cao Ngoc Thoa, Deputy Secretary of Khanh Vinh District Youth Union, the Red Sun Club was established in 2014 under the District Youth Union with about 50 regular members. When there are big events, it can mobilize up to 150 people to get engaged in the performances. The club members are mostly young ethnic minority people and their cultural and artistic performances focus on promoting traditional cultural values.

In Khanh Trung Commune, the Ma La Club regularly has performances at weekends when village elders and local musicians teach young people how to play ma la, flat gongs, known as a typical musical instrument of the Raglai. Therefore, young people can confidently play this kind of musical instrument at local festivals and events.

Preserving and promoting traditional cultural identities

Besides the two models, Khanh Vinh District Youth Union along with agencies has organized many activities to join hands to preserve and promote the cultural values ​​and identities of ethnic minorities in the province. Most recently, the District Youth Union - Vietnam Youth Union of the district has organized an Agricultural Product Festival and Cultural Exchange themed "Sound of the Mountains".

Khanh Vinh District youth participate in traditional activities at the "Sound of the Mountains" Festival.

The festival takes place with several activities to showcase local agricultural products and cuisine; a rice-pounding contest; shows of traditional costumes and musical instruments; a knitting competition, etc. attracting a large number of young people in the district.

According to Cao Van Nghiep, an artisan of Ben Khe Village, Khanh Binh Commune, it is essential to preserve traditional cultural values. Therefore, this is a festive time for young people and an opportunity for artisans to meet and exchange experience, contributing to spreading unique traditional culture. Hopefully, this activity will be organized every year to serve as a cultural platform for locals.

According to Cao Ngoc Thoa, in the coming time, Khanh Vinh District Youth Union will continue maintaining cultural and arts clubs, focusing on promoting the traditional cultural values of ethnic minorities as well as organizing activities for cultural exchange among young people; especially among those in the 3 districts of Khanh Vinh, Khanh Son and Bac Ai (Ninh Thuan Province) every year, contributing to preserving and promoting traditional cultural values.


Translated by N.T