07:55, 31/07/2024

Expanding meaningful projects

To welcome the Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels for the 2024 - 2029 term, the Fatherland Front at all levels in Khanh Hoa Province has been implementing numerous meaningful community projects such as clean-up campaigns, house construction, livelihoods support for the poor; road upgrades, repairs and lighting on the island.

Many projects for the community’s sake

Bich Dam residential group, Vinh Nguyen Ward, Nha Trang City has 210 households with nearly 870 members. Living far from Nha Trang City, islanders have had limited and insufficient conveniences, including lighting access.

Representatives of Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Soft Drink Joint Stock Company and local authroirity at the house handover with gifts and a scholarship offered to Pham Thi An's grandchild.

Therefore, implementing the special emulation campaign to welcome the Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels for the 2024 - 2029 term, the Vinh Nguyen Ward Front deployed the model "Bringing light to the island" at Bich Dam Residential Group. At the end of 2023, the Ward Front mobilized funds to implement 5 sets of solar lights on the route from the residential area to Bich Dam Martyrs' Cemetery.

In May 2024, the ward jointly with the Ward Farmers’ Association for 5 sets of lights on routes with a total funding of over VND20 million together with the labor support of carders, soldiers and people on the island. The road lights help promote security at night for traveling and hanging out at night, according to Nguyen Van Tuy, Deputy Secretary of Party Cell, Head of Front Work of Bich Dam Residential Group.

Nguyen Van Thinh, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Vinh Nguyen Ward said, "the local life has improved thanks to the implementation of the model. Therefore, in the coming time, the Ward Front will continue to install 10 more sets of solar lights; and mobilize Bich Dam residents to contribute funds to install 10 more sets and donate workdays for the lighting work."

The alley 404/17 Le Hong Phong St., dangerously strewn with potholes has just been repaired with a total cost of VND117 million helping to facilitate travel and ensure environmental hygiene for local residents. Le Thi Linh, Chief of the Fatherland Front task of residential Group 2, Phuoc Thanh said, “the valley ahs been upgraded and widened ensuring travel safety, especially since then, locals are more awareness of hygienic protection in the area.

Since October 2023, the Fatherland Front at all levels in the province has implemented 145 projects such as a green energy route, national flag route, installation of security cameras, environmental protection, livelihood support for the needy; road upgrades and repairs, etc.

Timely assistance

70-year-old Pham Thi An, Vinh Cat Village, Suoi Hiep Commune, Dien Khanh District is among the beneficiaries from the housing grants. Her son is paralyzed from a stroke after an accident in late 2023. Her daughter-in-law is sick. All the financial burden for medical care and daily expenses is on the old woman who earns a living as a vendor selling eggs. Their house was downgraded.

Suoi Hiep Commune Front has mobilized and supported her family to build a house with a total cost of VND130 million, including VND70 million from Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Soft Drink Joint Stock Company, VND30 million from the District Fund For the Poor and VND30 million from the Commune Front. 

In addition, Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Soft Drink Joint Stock Company also provided VND10 million for her grandson’s university tuition. The immediate aid has helped her family to overcome barriers and move forward. She has opened an egg shop and her grandchild has continued his schooling. This is one of the meaningful constructions to mark the Congress.

Since October 2023, Khanh Hoa Fatherland Front Committee has constructed 250 houses worth over VND19 billion for those in housing need; repaired 54 houses, and offered 1,350 worth more than VND3.5 billion to the poor. Besides, the Fatherland Front Committee at grassroots levels has also organized free fairs, provided free breakfast, livelihoods; funded medical care for the disadvantaged.

The special emulation campaign to welcome the Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels for the 2024-2029 term has been taking place from October 2023 to October 2024. Localities are continuing to carry out projects and tasks focusing on new rural construction, ensuring social security, contributing to socio-economic development.


Translated by N.T