20:11, 31/08/2024

Culture: vital aspect of building social cohesion

Over the years, the Fatherland Front at all levels and its member organizations in Khanh Hoa Province have held several practical activities to boost cultural life in residential areas, new rural areas and civilized urban areas, contributing to promoting solidarity and creativity in implementing local socio-economic development goals.

Further expanding

Implementing the movements “All people unite to build up the cultural life, new rural areas and civilized urban areas”, the Fatherland Front at all levels and its member organizations have launched clean-up operations to raise public awareness of environmental protection.

In addition, the Fatherland Front and mass organizations have also mobilized residents to strictly follow the civilized lifestyle in weddings, funerals and festive celebrations; families to hang the national flag on national holidays, contribute to the improvement of the road lighting, surveillance cameras, trees, gifts offered to disadvantaged households, lonely elderly people, etc., helping to arouse solidarity and develop social cohesion in the community. 94% of the families in the neighborhood were recognized as "Cultural Families" in 2023, according to Le Thi Kim Hong, Chief of the Front Committee of Nghia Quy residential group, Cam Nghia Ward, Cam Ranh City.

Joining Tug of war in a residential area on the annual National Great Unity Day.

In Dien Khanh District, implementing the movements “All people unite to build up the cultural life, new rural areas and civilized urban areas”, the district People’s Committee has cooperated with member organizations to boost propaganda and get public contributions to the development of infrastructures.

Currently, the district has 18 communal cultural and sports centers, 91 cultural houses and sports areas; 100% of communes have community learning centers and sports training zones; each commune has 2 - 5 sports clubs on average.

According to Phan Van Hung, Vice-Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Dien Khanh District, the above activities and achievements have created cohesion among families and in the community, inspiring the spirit of emulation in production and economic development as well as the fight against social evils.

Every year, the district has 97.8% of families recognized as "Cultural Families", and 100% of cultural residential areas. There are many reputable cultural villages and residential groups such as Dai Dien Dong 3 Cultural Village, Dien Dien Commune; Dinh Thanh 1 Cultural Residential Group, Dien Khanh Town, which have maintained the title of cultural communities for 20 years.

Practical results

Over the years, the Fatherland Front at all levels in the province has closely coordinated with departments, sectors, and member organizations to implement and expand the movement, promoting the boosting solidarity and creativity in the implementation of local socio-economic development goals; preserving and promoting the traditional cultural values​, building a cultural and civilized lifestyle, aiming at the comprehensive development of Khanh Hoa people, contributing to the realization of the Central Resolutions on developing Khanh Hoa Province to 2030, vision to 2045.

In Khanh Hoa Province, 73.7% of residential areas have achieved the title of cultural residential areas together with 92% cultural families. The annual National Great Unity Day is held in all residential areas in the province.

Since 2019, the Fatherland Front and the Fund "For the Poor" have raised over VND82 billion; built and repaired 1,172 houses worth over VND53 billion; supported more than 37,170 poor households in production, medical treatment, education, and offered gifts worth over VND29 billion in total to the needy; developed numerous welfare projects, helping to reduce the annual poverty rate by 1.09%.

According to Nguyen Van Thien, Standing Vice-Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, in the coming time, in order to more effectively implement the movements "All people unite to build a cultural life, new rural areas and civilized urban areas" in the province, the Fatherland Front at all levels and member organizations will continue to diversify and promote propaganda, disseminate good deeds; creative and practical activities to expand the inspiration in the community.

The Fatherland Front at all levels and member organizations is to continue to innovate the content and methods of operation in accordance with the characteristics and situation at the grassroots level for effective implementation of the movements.


Translated by N.T