08:44, 27/08/2024

Getting connected and supporting job creation for women

Nguyen Thi Kim Cuc born in 1972 residing in Vinh Luong Commune used to do all the business stages from making fish cakes and selling at Vinh Hai Market. To support the production, consumption, job creation and income increase for women, Vinh Luong Women’s Union founded a fish ball collective group led by Nguyen Thi Kim Cuc with 6 members in 2022.

Every day, the collective group buys 2 quintals of fresh fish to make 1 quintal of fried fish cakes. Nguyen Thi Kim Cuc brings the fish cakes to sell at the market while other members are in charge of packaging and posting the products online to look for more customers. The quality of fish cakes is ensured so they sell well.

Fish cakes of the cooperative group are introduced and sold at the Vietnamese Ethnic Groups' Cultural Day 2024 in the province.

The work is divided among 6 members in the group, helping the business go smoothly and effectively, bringing an income of VND7 million/ person. Besides, the group has also created jobs for some other women in the locality.

Vinh Phuong Commune Women’s Association founded a cooking group of those who are passionate about cooking to serve parties for families in 2011. The cooking group was provided cooking essentials worth VND150 million to be developed into a cooking collective in 2013.

Nguyen Thi Go, Head of the collective says, the collective group has 10 – 15 members, mainly giving support for families having parties. Every month, the group serves 3 parties, bringing VND400 - 700.000/ person. For several years, the group with 10 members in Vinh Nguyen Ward has cooperated with a wedding party cooking group in Dien Khanh District to run a party cooking business.

Tran Thi Anh Dao, a group leader said, “We serve parties in both Nha Trang City and Dien Khanh District. For big parties, we also hire additional 20 seasonal laborers, mainly women.”

Le Thi Bich Huyen, Vice-Chairperson of Nha Trang Women’s Association said, that besides support for poor women in terms of job creation, loans and vocational training, the women’s association at all levels in the city has provided opportunities for women to get connected and promote economic growth.

So far, the cooperation groups have initially shown efficiency in helping women to get stable jobs and increase income. In the coming time, the association will boost activities to implement the project “supporting collectives managed by women and creating jobs for women till 2030 such as training to improve capacity and supporting women in managing cooperatives, production and business households; sharing experience, getting connected and introducing products; supporting cooperatives managed and operated by women.


Translated by N.T