16:02, 07/08/2024

Urban renovation locations surveyed

On August 6, Nguyen Hai Ninh, Central Party Committee Member, Secretary of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee surveyed 8 locations planned for urban renovation projects east of Tran Phu - Pham Van Dong Street in Nha Trang City; headquarters for departments and agencies under the Provincial People's Committee, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, socio-political organizations in Vinh Thai Commune, Nha Trang City; and the Provincial Sports Complex in Dien Toan Commune, Dien Khanh District.  Accompanying the delegation were Nguyen Tan Tuan, Deputy Secretary of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; and Ho Van Mung, Alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Nha Trang City Party Committee.

Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Hai Ninh listens to the consulting unit's report about design ideas for key projects east of Tran Phu - Pham Van Dong St.

The Provincial Party Secretary affirmed the importance of the project to the development of Nha Trang City in particular and the province in general. The urban infrastructure renovation project on the east side of Tran Phu - Pham Van Dong Street is expected to include several works and highlights such as a marina resort park, parking lot, cultural heritage park, coastal cycling route, culinary village, beach sports complex, camping site, heritage square, etc. Non-budget capital sources are planned to be called for the investment in the constructions.

Regarding the location for the construction of the Sports Complex, Nguyen Hai Ninh proposed that the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee assign the Provincial People's Committee to direct relevant departments and agencies to review and promptly report to the Provincial Party Standing Committee and the Provincial Party Standing Committee on the project investment policy for implementation according to the plan.


Translated by N.T