12:50, 14/09/2024

Job growth boost

Local sectors and localities in Khanh Hoa Province have made efforts over the years to synchronously implement solutions to create more jobs and reduce the unemployment rate among the working-age group in urban areas, contributing to achieving and exceeding the targets set by the Resolution of the 18th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 - 2025.

Exceeding targets

According to Nguyen Sy Khanh, Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Resolution of the 18th Provincial Party Congress set the target of the increase in the number of the employed of more than 11,500 people per year; the unemployment rate in urban areas in 2025 below 3.8%.

In order to achieve the goals, the whole province has implemented synchronous solutions to promote economic growth, call for investment, stabilize production activities, create opportunities for businesses to expand production and business, put key projects into operation, and promote the development of the labor market.

Connection between job seekers and employers via a job fair in Cam Lam District.

In addition, localities have proactively implemented activities to support local job creation. In particular, the Provincial People's Committee has implemented many programs on labor and employment that meet practical needs and are in line with regulations and instructions of the Central Government. In particular, on March 28, 2022, the Provincial People's Committee approved the Project on labor and employment in the province for the period 2021 - 2025, with a vision to 2030 and has been implemented throughout the province.

Thanks to the policies and solutions, job growth has led to gradual employment gains over the years. The province creates additional jobs for 13,272 people a year on average, reaching and exceeding the target set by the Resolution of the Provincial Party Congress.

Moreover, solutions for labor export have also been effectively implemented. Since 2021, the province has sent nearly 1,000 people to work in such markets as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc. The job growth has led to a gradual decrease in the unemployment rate of the working-age group in urban areas. 

According to Nguyen Dinh Hong Loan, Deputy Director of the Provincial Employment Service Center, in addition to maintaining a daily job exchange, the center has also expanded transaction sessions to district and commune levels to provide job recommendations and boost connections between job seekers and employers. The center opens online job fairs in the central region and the Highlands every month and  proactively conducts labor supply and demand surveys every quarter. 

Komega-X Co., Ltd. employs nearly 1,000 local workers.

Creating sustainable jobs

According to Nguyen Sy Khanh, ensuring harmonious development between economic growth and creating sustainable, stable jobs and improving people's living standards is always the province's top priority.

In the coming time, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs will proactively coordinate with departments, agencies and localities to promptly provide consultancy for the Provincial People's Committee to continue to improve employment policies in accordance with the provincial socio-economic development orientation; develop and organize the implementation of policies to support job creation for vulnerable groups; focus on effectively implementing the schemes on employment in the province for the period 2021 - 2025, with a vision to 2030 to allocate and effectively use human resources, labor restructuring in accordance with the provincial socio-economic development, especially in agricultural and rural areas; update labor market information connection inside and outside the province; effectively implement training policies and create jobs for workers whose land is recovered for key projects; diversify propaganda, education, and career orientation; develop an appropriate vocational training network and improve human resource training in key industries.

In addition, the department will focus on updating and analyzing labor market information; promptly forecasting the short-term and long-term labor demand to maximize job opportunities, helping job-seekers to have suitable choices; supporting and providing job recommendations through the province's socio-economic development programs; increasing policy credit support for employment; promote labor export under contracts and business start-ups; synchronously implementing projects on creating sustainable jobs for those in disadvantaged areas and ethnic minorities; and strengthening labor law enforcement inspection.

According to Nguyen Dinh Hong Loan, the Provincial Employment Service Center will improve job counseling and recommendation; increase direct and online job transactions; apply information technology in job service to increase job seekers' access to employment opportunities, etc.


Translated by N.T