23:07, 13/02/2025

Nha Trang University::
Promoting international cooperation

Nha Trang University has promoted and diversified its cooperation activities, joining the international network of higher education and postgraduate training. The period from 2021 to 2025 has seen significant international cooperation projects, especially in scientific research, as well as exchange activities, international conferences, and seminars held at the university. These efforts have contributed to the effective implementation of the university's strategies in training, scientific research, and community service.

Strategic cooperation implemented

According to Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen The Han, Head of International Cooperation Department, Nha Trang University, in order to promote international cooperation, the university has implemented training and scientific research programs with strategic partners, thereby expanding the cooperation network.

Leaders of Nha Trang University and representatives of Korean partners at the cyber security training lab.

The university has signed strategic cooperation agreements with Taiwanese partners (China), namely National Taiwan Ocean University and National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology; developed a comprehensive cooperation plan with these strategic partners and implemented some activities such as developing shared e-lectures, implementing 2 cooperation researches in the field of aquaculture and seafood processing, organizing international conferences on marine science and technology, and organizing staff and student exchange programs. In addition, the university has signed cooperation agreements with new strategic partners; discussed with some partners to develop joint training programs in English such as Developing a joint training program in Business Administration and Information Technology with James Cooks University (Australia); developed a dual degree program in Business Administration and Hotel Management with the Institute of International Education and Economics; continuing to cooperate in post-graduate training with partners from Norway, Belgium, and France. Through these activities, the university has expanded cooperation with partners in Southeast Asia and Africa.

Furthermore, international cooperation on scientific research with foreign universities and international organizations has also been enhanced. Besides traditional partners, the university is seeking solutions to promote cooperation in training and research with potential partners in China (Institute of Oceanography 4, Nanning University of Education), Korea (KOICA project) and Southeast Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand).

Towards extensive cooperation

Nha Trang University has established international cooperation groups, focusing on training and scientific research in the fields of fisheries and marine economics. Over the past 5 years, research groups at faculties and institutes have developed and implemented more than 10 research collaborations, focusing on science, technology, and marine economics.

Interdisciplinary research groups have developed some large-scale cooperation project profiles in the fields of fisheries and marine economics. In addition, the university has also issued regulations to promote international cooperation development, supports researchers to attend training courses, conduct research cooperation with foreign partners, etc.

According to Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen The Han, in 2025, the university aims for extensive international cooperation with strategic international partners in the field of marine science and technology and fisheries; promoted a diverse and sustainable network of connections with businesses serving scientific research, training and knowledge transfer.

In the coming time, the university has planned to complete policies on foreign cooperation clearly defining responsibilities for individuals and groups in implementing international cooperation activities; strengthen supervision and develop plans to improve foreign cooperation activities; build a medium-term plan for the period 2026 - 2030 in the field of international cooperation, domestic cooperation and community service; promote international cooperation in training and scientific research; promote collaborative research projects, especially in the field of marine science and technology.

Up to now, Nha Trang University has signed strategic cooperation agreements with 3 partners; has had 11 international cooperation projects on training and capacity building; and 12 research cooperation projects with international partners. Since 2021, the university has sent 19 officials to study abroad: 254 officials to international training courses, workshops and seminars. 152 students have participated in credit exchange, cultural exchange, international training and development; 21 international lecturers have been engaged in short-term and long-term teaching and scientific research at the university; 342 international students have attended courses and exchange activities at the university.


Translated by N.T