01:03, 17/03/2011

Effort taken to protect sargassum

Sargassum is facing high risk of extinction due to over- exploitation damaging the eco-system...

Sargassum is of higher economic value than many other species of seaweed. Sargassum is facing high risk of extinction due to over- exploitation damaging the eco-system. Scientists of the Nha Trang Institute of Research & Technology Application have taken measures to protect the natural resource.

Unregulated farming

The coast of the central area has the largest reserve of sargassum, mostly populated in Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa, etc. 21 species of popular sargassum can be found in Khanh Hoa Province, especially in Nha Trang, Van Phong, Binh Cang, Cam Ranh, Binh Ba Island, Hon Khoi - My Giang, Luong Son and Hon Heo, Cam Lap.

Sargassum has a variety of purposes. It may be used as fertilizer and a food source and cosmetics. The seaweed is believed to have curative properties for tuberculosis, arthritis, colds and influenza, worm infestations and even tumors. It provides shelter with its abundant fronds, along with a hiding place from predators and a source of food. Sargassum is best collected from April to August.

Sargassum collection along the coast of Nha Trang.
However, due to over-exploitation and unregulated farming, the seaweed is at high risk of exhaustion. Sargassum is also killed and disturbed by contaminated environment caused by sewage and rubbish discharged into the sea.

The urbanization has also influenced carpets of sargassum in coastal areas in Ba Lang, Duong De, Hon Tre , Hon Chong (Nha Trang City). Compared with 1980, sargassum in Hon Chong has decreased by 50% to only 12ha with a reserve of 33.5tons of dry sargassum (or 230 tons of wet sargassum).

In spite of laws on environmental protection, including Fisheries Law promulgated in 2003 and Decision dated 131/2004 of the government on approving the marine resource protection program, indiscriminate collection of sargassum still happens.

Protection effort

Over the past years, the Nha Trang Institute of Research & Technology Application and Nha Trang Oceanographic Institute have done many scientific research on sargassum. The thesis on sargassum protection directed by Dr. Bui Minh Ly, Chief of the Nha Trang Institute of Research & Technology Application, has been examined and approved by the Khanh Hoa Provincial Council for Science & Technology.

Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has issued the Instruction No. 07/CT-UBND dated February 23, 2010 on the implementation of sargassum protection measures. Dr. Nhu Hau, a secretary of the thesis said, “The thesis is being smoothly conducted. Propaganda campaigns are required to be frequently carried out to raise public awareness of sargassum protection."

Nhu Thao