12:05, 22/05/2011

846,422 voters to elect deputies for 13th National Assembly, 2011-2016 Term People’s Councils

846,422 voters are expected to cast their ballots at 971 constituencies in Khanh Hoa Province on May 22...

People have trust in the poll to elect deputies for the 13th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2011-16 term.

846,422 voters are expected to cast their ballots at 971 constituencies in Khanh Hoa Province on May 22 to elect deputies for the National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2011-16 term. The event will be held on the same day for the first time.

The assure the elections run smoothly as scheduled and in accordance with the law, the electoral committees at all levels in Khanh Hoa Province has directed relevant agencies to enhance the education and dissemination of the elections and take political security and social order measures.