07:09, 28/09/2011

Vietnam’s ageing population

The workshop titled "Ageing Population in Vietnam & the Formulation of the National Program for the Elderly 2012-20" has just been held...


Fully dependant elderly need economic support.
Dependant elderly need economic support.


The workshop titled "Ageing Population in Vietnam & the Formulation of the National Program for the Elderly 2012-20" has just been held in Hanoi.

The number of the elderly has increased significantly, says Duong Quoc Trong, General Director of the General Office for Population & Family Planning under the Ministry of Health.

Britain’s population is ageing fast. More and more people live longer and longer because of medical and other advances. This means there will be fewer young people supporting a growing elderly population.

The challenging is that most of the old people in rural areas do not have pensions, so they are economically dependent on their children and grandchildren.

Their living standards are not secured, confirms Le Tuyet Nhung, Deputy Director of the ministry’s Department of Social Protection. Fully dependant elderly need economic support in old age as they are not able to generate income on their own.

The National Program for the Elderly 2012-22 is specifically designed to extend community-based care services for the senior citizens and providing better social support to the elderly.

Great effort will be made to improve the living standards of the elderly population so that they can have better mental and physical life.