07:02, 10/02/2012

Industrial production value in Jan. reaches VND1,375bil.

Industrial production value of Khanh Hoa Province in January, 2012 reached VND1,375 billion, increasing by 2.5% year-on-year...


Industrial production value of Khanh Hoa Province in January, 2012 reached VND1,375 billion, increasing by 2.5% year-on-year.

Of the sum, foreign invested sector made up VND435 billion (4.2% up) and the figures of local State-own sector and central one were VND385 billion (1.3% up) and VND26.3 billion (4.9% up). Non-State sector got VND529 billion (1.9% up) and individual ones’ figure was VND51.1 billion, (2.7% up).

Some main products with high increases were cigarettes (2.3%), sand for export (5.4%), beer (1.6%), zippers (33.3%) and clothes (6.9%)