08:05, 09/05/2012

Nha Trang, ideal land to settle down

Many foreigners have come to Nha Trang and chosen this beautiful beach city to stay and settle down. We are going to tell about such some stories...

Many foreigners have come to Nha Trang and chosen this beautiful beach city to stay and settle down. We are going to tell about such some stories.

. Where loves start

Four years ago, Anton Novoselov, 33, formerly a Russian naval soldier traveled to Nha Trang on a 2-week trip. However, he liked the city so much that he decided to stay and live here. Then, he opened Checkpoint Restaurant at 27 Nguyen Thien Thuat Street, Nha Trang selling Russian food for those who love Russian cuisine and Russian culture. “I love Nha Trang very much. It’s sunny and warm all year and people here are very friendly”, said Anton. Happily, he met and fell in love with Dzyuba Elena, a Russian girl from Vladivostok. Both of them love Nha Trang and consider it as their second hometown. They also revealed that more and more their countrymen came to Nha Trang for tourism as well as business. The couple also often take them to interesting spots in Nha Trang.

Tara Laughlin, an English owner of Guava, 34F Nguyen Thien Thuat Street, Nha Trang, also met her love in Nha Trang and they planned to make their home in this land.

Nha Trang is also the starting place for love story of Raju Nair Kuru, financial manager of Sunrise Nha Trang Beach Hotel. Ten year ago, the Indian man came to Nha Trang to work for Ana Mandara Resort after traveling over many countries. Soon, he felt love for a Vietnamese girl and got married with her. “People pay money to travel to Nha Trang, why I don’t stay here. Nha Trang has given me a lot”, he proudly said.

. And how they live?

Visiting a French couple Geùrard Lomorlette and Pierrette Lomorlette in the suburban commune Vinh Thai, Nha Trang one day, I witnessed how the foreigners lived here. Their villa lies in the middle of a 3,000 sq.m. garden with green trees and beside a yellow rice field, making up a picturesque scenery. Mrs. Pierrette Lomorlette reminded, “I left Vietnam for France in 1955 when I was nine. In 1986, my mother and I returned to Vietnam. Since then, every two years, my husband and I traveled to the country. In a trans-Vietnam trip, we visited Nha Trang. Our love for the beautiful beach city came by chance but deeply. And in 2002, we moved to Nha Trang to live to enjoy the peace and warm climate here”.

Geùrard Lomorlette and Pierrette Lomorlette live with rural pleasure


Firstly, they lived in a house on Tran Phu Street, but then they moved to this countryside. Everyday, the couple are awaken by cock-crow, do morning exercises in fresh atmosphere. And then, they take care of chickens and vegetable plants like real rural people. Their life is very peaceful. “Since moving here, my health improves very much. I want to live in Nha Trang till the end of my life”, Geùrard Lomorlette confided.

Geùrard Lomorlette plays trumpet for his wife.


During more than 10 years of living in Nha Trang, this family has contributed actively to charitable activities in the province. The wife is a representative of the Federation of Popular Support of France, a nongovernmental organization of charity and humanity, licensed in Khanh Hoa since 2006 while the husband is a representative of the Francophone Solar Association. At the present, three times a week, the wife comes to Khanh Hoa Mental Hospital to teach French for doctors. She is also applying for Vietnamese citizenship. Every time when receiving French people, the friendly couple proudly take them to beauty sports in the city.

Gail Hughes, from a beach city in Queensland, Australia and her husband,  John Hughes, have settled down in Nha Trang for two years. They live in a house on Sao Bien Street, Vinh Hai Ward, Nha Trang. The wife is working as an English teacher at a foreign language center. In free time, they take airing along the beach by motorbike. They love Nha Trang food very much, especially seafood.

Gail Hughes masters ceremonies of a Sweden couple's wedding on Nha Trang beach.


Recently, many people in Nha Trang know about Thiery Beyne, a French photographer. He got married with a Vietnamese girl and made their home in Nha Trang. “Now I have many friends who are famous photographers in Nha Trang such as Long Thanh, Do Dien Khanh, Mai Loc”, he happily said. He also has opened Artful Gallery at 20 Nguyen Thien Thuat Street, Nha Trang to sell photographs and post cards to introduce Nha Trang’s beauty to tourists. His photographs show his deep love for this land.

Happy family of photographer Thiery Beyne.