08:09, 08/09/2012

400 excellent students rewarded

On September 6, the Department of Education & Training held a ceremony to reward excellent students of the school year 2012...


Le Thanh Quang, Central Party Committee Member, Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Secretary, Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee Chairman grants certificates of merit to prize-winners in the National Excellent Student Contest.

The Department of Education & Training held a ceremony on September 6 to reward excellent students of the school year 2012. Present at the event was Le Thanh Quang, Central Party Committee Member, Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Secretary, Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee Chairman.

In the school year 2011 – 2012, 26 high school students in Khanh Hoa won prizes in the National Excellent Student Contest together with 1 first prize in the Casio Math Competition and 1 first prize in the Internet Math Competition. Khanh Hoa ranked 28th out of 63 cites and provinces nationwide in terms of results from university entrance exams.

On this occasion, Khanh Hoa Lottery Company offered VND43.5 million to excellent students in the school year 2011-2012.