06:09, 24/09/2012

Nearly VND3,000bil. to develop urban areas in 2105

Dien Khanh District is planned to pour VND2972.4  billion into Urban Area Development Program in the period of 2011 – 2015...


Dien Khanh Ancient Citadel
Dien Khanh Ancient Citadel


Dien Khanh District is planned to pour VND2972.4  billion into Urban Area Development Program in the period of 2011 – 2015.

The district targets to become a township in 2015. Urbanization till 2015 is estimated to be 60%. Economic structure will move in the direction of decreasing agriculture and increasing industry, construction, commerce, service and tourism. Population density in urban areas will rise to 4,000 people/km2.