01:09, 29/09/2012

Food prices falls slightly

Owning to abundant supply, some kinds of meat now has decreased by 3 – 10% over last month. For example, pork is selling from VND70,000  to VND90,000 per kilogram, chicken: VND75,000 – VND90,000/kg, beef: VND210,000 – VND220,000/kg...



Owning to abundant supply, some kinds of meat now has decreased by 3 – 10% over last month. For example, pork is selling from VND70,000  to VND90,000 per kilogram, chicken: VND75,000 – VND90,000/kg, beef: VND210,000 – VND220,000/kg.

Prices of beans, vegetable and fruits also have dropped 1 – 5%.

For example, long beans cost VND14,000/kg, cucumber: VND7,000/kg and cabbage: VND5,000/kg.

Particularly, black beans and soybeans have increased by 4 – 17% due to the high demand.