10:09, 18/09/2012

German film festival to be held in Nha Trang

A German film festival will be organized at 10 Hoang Hoa Tham Cinema, Nha Trang from September 20 to 23...


A German film festival will be organized at 10 Hoang Hoa Tham Cinema, Nha Trang from September 20 to 23.

Press conference to introduce German film festival in Nha Trang
Press conference to introduce German film festival in Nha Trang


The festival, funded by Goethe Institute in Vietnam, will feature 9 German films dubbed into Vietnamese with English subtitles . Tickets are issued free at 10 Hoang Hoa Tham Street, Nha Trang.

German film festival has been held in Vietnam for the third time but this is the first time it comes to Nha Trang.