01:09, 29/09/2012

Khanh Hoa UNESCO Association holds second congress

Khanh Hoa UNESCO Association on September 27 held the congress for 2012 – 2017 term...


Khanh Hoa UNESCO Association on September 27 held the congress for 2012 – 2017 term.

The congress was attended by the Secretary of World Federation of UNESCO and Chairman of Vietnam Federation of UNESCO Associations Nguyen Xuan Thang, Vice-chairman of Khanh Hoa Province People’s Committee Le Xuan Than and more than 200 representatives from departments, scientific associations and members of Khanh Hoa UNESCO Association.

Vice-chairman of Khanh Hoa Province Le Xuan Than grants certificates of merit for highly-performing members of Khanh Hoa UNESCO Association.


The congress has elected the executive board for the second term (2012 – 2017) with 39 members. PhD. Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Tac An was voted for the president of the association.