05:10, 04/10/2012

Nhan Ai Charity House, warm home of desolate lives

Up to now, memory of a newborn child abandoned in a box in front of the charity house on 4 am one day three years ago is still engraved in nun Pham Ho Thuong Hoai Huong’s mind. Breeding her for three years, the little child now can call nuns “mom”...

Up to now, memory of a newborn child abandoned in a box in front of the charity house on 4 am one day three years ago is still engraved in nun Pham Ho Thuong Hoai Huong’s mind. Breeding her for three years, the little child now can call nuns “mom”.

This is one of many cases Nhan Ai charity house (in Phu Nhon Church , Cam Phuoc Dong Commune, Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa) has helped. Established since 1996, Nhan Ai charity house is taking care of 87 children and 6 old people. Some of the children are abandoned. Some are orphaned.

Nhan Ai Charity House is a safe shelter for homeless children and old people.


Opening arms to shelter the desolate

Visiting Nhan Ai Charity House one day, we saw a warm atmosphere with some children studying, some children playing and some old people being cared. Each people here were descended from different circumstances but all of them were nice and obedient.

Nguyen Huong Giang, 13, confided, “My mother died when I was 5. My father got mad and left home. No one raised me then. Luckily, nuns of Nhan Ai Charity House have adopted me. But for this house, I don’t know how my life would get. Nuns here are my second moms.”

We also met a 18-year-old girl, named Truc Nhi, who lost their parents and came to the charity house from a very early age. Now, she helped the nuns to take care younger children. She said while feeding a cerebral palsy child, named Nguyen Duy Anh, “The children here have piteous circumstances like me before. I want to give the nuns a hand. The nuns are supporting me to study perming hair. Earning money, I will give a part to the charity house as my gratitude to the nuns’ nourishment.”

Truc Nhi feeding a sick younger child


In another room, we saw a sick old woman named laying motionless in a bed and being cared by a nun. She is desolate and paralyzed. A person sent her to the charity house for help.

Nun Tam taking care of a sick old people


Not only above cases, Nhan Ai Charity House have sheltered many other miserable lives, helped them overcome pains.

Living is giving

Like other nuns, nun Tam, 51 years old, takes care old people daily. The work needs carefulness, patience and affection because only a hasty action or an impolite word may make them hurt. Nun Tam said, ‘I consider them as my parent and take care of them wholeheartedly.”

Nun Hoai Huong said that her desire was assisting unlucky children. She said, “Of 87 children here, about 30 were given family name of nun Nguyen Thi Bao Quyen, director of the charity house. Every time when naming a child, we always thought over. All the names have a good meaning with a hope for their peace and happiness.”

Nun Huong spends time to solace lonely children everyday.


To maintain the charity house, beside donations of sponsors, the nuns grow rice, vegetable and some fruits like bananas and mangoes.

“In Nhan Ai Charity House, all the nuns want to give piteous destinies more love to make up for lack of family affection and materials. Our happiness is innocent smiles of the children and funs of old people”, nun Huong confirmed.

Children playing happily