09:10, 05/10/2012

Ready for flood control 2012

Local authorities in Khanh Hoa have been ready for flood control and victim rescue...

Military staff rescued residents in the flooding 2010.

Local authorities in Khanh Hoa have been ready for flood control and victim rescue in a bid to minimize possible damage and loss caused by the natural disaster.

Nguyen Thai Nhu Tri, Chief of the Irrigation Department, Chief of the Steering Board Office for Flood & Storm Prevention, says flood & storm prevention schemes with detailed task assignment have been completed to make sure close coordination among flood and storm prevention forces; smooth communications operation in all circumstances; and periodical reports on flood control tasks.

2011 flood after-action reviews have been held to build storm prevention and control schemes. Effort has been made to make sure that no places are isolated and cut off by flooding and emergency assistance is timely provided.

All necessary communications equipment have been made available to provide updated news about storm movement as well as control guidance.

Military staff in association with the Frequency Control Center, Region III, are in charge of giving flood warnings to off-shore fishing boats, bringing them to anchor, rescuing flood victims, evacuating residents from flood prone areas, etc.

Khanh Hoa Provincial border guard has completed the plan on flood control and assigned tasks for disaster relief.

Besides, many activities have been carried out to raise the public’s awareness of possible danger caused by hurricanes.

Rivers are prone to floods and flood protection is also concerned with strong dikes, which are used to prevent rivers from bursting their banks.

However, some damaged dikes have not been repaired or reconstructed due to the lack of funding. They are located in Ba Cum Bac, To Hap Town (Khanh Son), Khanh Vinh Town (Khanh Vinh), Dai Lanh (Van Ninh), Vinh Nguyen, Vinh Thanh, Vinh Ngoc Tac River and Binh Tan Bridge (Nha Trang).