09:11, 03/11/2012

Remote areas expecting Vietnamese product market-days

As goods supply in mountainous areas such as Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh is in deficiency, programs “Bringing Vietnamese products to rural areas” are encouraged...


As goods supply in mountainous areas such as Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh is in deficiency, programs “Bringing Vietnamese products to rural areas” are encouraged.

. Great demand

At present, goods purchase in mountainous areas is still difficult due to the lack of distribution channels.

Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh are two districts having least markets in the province. On average, there’s only one market in radius of 6 – 10 kilometers.

Cao Van Chung, a resident in Khanh Nam Commune, Khanh Vinh District said, “People in remote communes like me almost buy goods in retail groceries where only daily products such as rice, salt and cooking oil are on sale. To buy clothes or shoes, we have to travel to the district market, 15 kilometers from my house. In rainy days, shopping gets harder.”

A mobile sale of Co.opMart Cam Ranh.
A mobile sale of Co.opMart Cam Ranh.


. Many difficulties

From 2009 to now, programs “Bringing Vietnamese products to rural areas” have been organized in some districts and townships in the province. However, no program has arrived the two mountainous districts. Only some businesses such as Maximark Nha Trang, Co.opMart Cam Ranh and Violet Commercial Joint Stock Company made mobile sales here with few products.

Bringing products to mountainous areas meets a lot difficulties such as lack of expenditure, scattered population, hard travel, far distance and weak purchase, according to Pham Trong Thai, deputy director of Trade Promotion and Industry Encouragement Center.

Some businesses also recognize potentials of this market but they can’t afford to organize any market-day here.

. The State to support businesses

Trade Promotion and Industry Encouragement Center is considering to support businesses to make shipments to the two mountainous district of the province. Initially, essential products will be given priority.

Moreover, the center plans to set up a club to bring Vietnamese goods for rural people with businesses as main members.  The club will undertake to study market, location and suitable products and connect with suppliers. Accordingly, the suppliers can take the imitative in prepare products, scale and human resource.

Such programs also will propagandized far-reaching to the residents in remote areas.

Beside this, businesses need to forward retail sale in markets and stores in these areas.

With such programs, remote people in Khanh Hoa Province are expected to have more chances to buy products with good quality and price in the time to come.