08:11, 16/11/2012

Nha Trang Red Cross: VND5.7bil spent on charity activities

On November 14, Nha Trang Red Cross celebrated the 66th anniversary of its foundation...



On November 14, Nha Trang Red Cross celebrated the 66th anniversary of its foundation (November 23, 1946- November 23,2012).

Since the beginning of the year, Nha Trang Red Cross has given medical examinations and medicines free of charge to thousands of people, built 5 houses for the poor, donated nearly 600 units of blood, etc. VND5.7 billion has been spent on the charity activities.

Nha Trang Red Cross has had 32 divisions, including 27 local communities, 5 schools, SOS Children’s Village and Nha Trang City First Aid Training Center with 17,000 members.