02:12, 13/12/2012

Free surgery performed on 6 infants with inborn heart defects

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Huy, Pediatrics Deputy Chief of Khanh Hoa General Hospital says the Cardiovascular Department in association with Children’s Hospital 1 (Ho Chi Minh City) has performed free surgery...

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Huy, Pediatrics Deputy Chief of Khanh Hoa General Hospital says the Cardiovascular Department in association with Children’s Hospital 1 (Ho Chi Minh City) has performed free surgery on 6 children with inborn heart defects, using the interventional cardiac catheterization technique.

Checking surgery results.

The operation was worth VND200 million in total.

Reportedly, the charity program has run since 2011 and 36 children with inborn heart problems have benefited from free medical examination and surgery.