11:12, 18/12/2012

Khanh Hoa: 2 businesses listed among top 500 Vietnamese largest businesses

wo businesses in Khanh Hoa Province, Khanh Viet Corporation and Khatoco Trading Company, Ltd., have been listed among the top 500 Vietnamese largest businesses

Two businesses in Khanh Hoa Province, Khanh Viet Corporation and Khatoco Trading Company, Ltd., have been listed among the top 500 Vietnamese largest businesses according to the selection result of the Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (VNR500).


The VNR500 is determined by several factors, including revenue, industry, profit, growth rates, labor and owner equity and total assets.

Besides, VNR500 largest private enterprises have been announced. Khanh Hoa Power Joint Stock Company and Nha Trang Seafoods Joint Stock Company have ranked among the top 500
Vietnamese largest private businesses.