12:12, 10/12/2012

Khanh Hoa General Hospital to join satellite hospital project

Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has just given approval to Khanh Hoa General Hospital to join the Ministry of Health's satellite hospital project...

Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has just given approval to Khanh Hoa General Hospital to join the Ministry of Health's satellite hospital project with Oncology Hospital, Cho Ray Hospital and Trauma-Orthopedics Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City.


The initiative aims to curb the current overload at major hospitals. Satellite hospitals will get assistance from main hospitals' technology and well-trained medical staff.

The total cost of the project for the period 2012-2020 will be VND2,600 billion, including VND2,000 billion for satellite construction and equipment, and the rest for health worker training.