10:01, 16/01/2013

Fixed coach fares on Lunar New Year Holiday

An agreement on the same fixed coach fares has been reached by all transport service businesses...

An agreement on the same fixed coach fares has been reached by transport service businesses, including Khanh Hoa Coach Co., Ltd., Quang Hanh Co., Lien Hung Co., Cuc Tung Co., Ha Linh Co., Phuong Trang Co., etc, says a representative of Khanh Hoa Transport Service Co. Ltd.

Travelers can buy coach tickets either in person or by telephone.

Accordingly, coach tickets from Nha Trang to the northern provinces and city of Vinh, Thanh Hoa and Hanoi from January 31 to February 6 cost VND 650,000, VND 800,000, VND1,000,000 for the route Nha Trang – Vinh; VND700,000, VND850,000, VND1,050,000 for the route Nha Trang – Thanh Hoa; VND750,000, VND900,000, VND1,150,000 for the route Nha Trang – Hanoi depending on coaches with normal seats, air-conditioned reclining seats or sleepers.

Travelers can buy tickets at the Southern Coach Station, Northern Coach Station, Dien Khanh Coach Station and Ninh Hoa Coach Station either in person or by telephone.