12:02, 01/02/2013

Khanh Hoa leaders extend New Year wishes

Le Thanh Quang, Central Party Committee Member, Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the provincial People’s Council paid a visit...

Le Thanh Quang, Central Party Committee Member, Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the provincial People’s Council paid a visit on January 30 to provincial former leaders’ families in Nha Trang City.

The family of Mai Duong, former Provincial Party Committee Secretary, receives a New Year gift.

The delegation visited and extended New Year greetings to the families of Mai Duong, former provincial Party Committee Secretary; Nguyen Hong Chau, former provincial Party Committee Secretary; and Ngu Huu Ngat, former provincial Party Committee Secretary.


Nguyen Tan Tuan, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Head of National Assembly delegation of Khanh Hoa Province on January 30 visited and offered New Year gifts to the family of Le Thanh Liem, former provincial Party Committee Secretary and the families of former provincial Party Committee Vice Secretaries, including Le Tung, Le Trong Khoan, Mai Xuan Cong and Luu Van Trong.

A New  Year gift is given to the family of Le Thanh Liem, former Provincial Party Committee Secretary.

On behalf of the provincial leaders, he wished the families a happy New Year.


On January 30, a delegation led by Le Xuan Than, Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee paid a visit to social charities and former provincial main cadres, including Dang Nhien, former Chairman of provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Le Huan, former commander of the provincial Military Agency; Nguyen Dieu, former Chief of provincial Public Security; Nguyen Ngoc Hoanh, former Commander of Military Headquarters; Nguyen Ngoc Nhi, former Chairman of provincial Veterans’ Association, SOS Nha Trang Children’s Village and provincial Center of Social Service.

New Year gifts are offered to SOS Nha Trang Children’s Village.

Le Xuan Than extended New Year greetings and presented gifts from the provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee to the families and institutions.