11:03, 01/03/2013

Nha Trang City Red Cross provides first aid training for volunteer rescue force

Nha Trang City Red Cross held a rescue and first aid training on February 27-28 for 25 young rescue volunteers...

Nha Trang City Red Cross held a rescue and first aid training on February 27-28 for 25 young rescue volunteers of Nha Trang Bay Management Board. The annual activity aimed to raise safety for local residents and tourists to Nha Trang beach.

First aid training for volunteer rescue force.


The trainees were provided knowledge and practice related to skills of hemostatic bandage; airway and breathing check and treatment, etc.

During the course time, the trainees discovered a swimmer suffering from heat attack. The victim was  timely provided first aid and hospitalized.

After the course, 100% of the trainees were granted certificates with good results.