11:02, 19/02/2014

9 students from Czech Republic attend summer course at Nha Trang University

9 students from the Czech Republic arrived at Nha Trang University on February 17 to attend a summer course 2014...

9 students from the Czech Republic arrived at Nha Trang University on February 17 to attend a summer course 2014. They came from universities of Jan Evangelista Purkyne and Jan Evangelista Purkyne.

9 students from the Czech Republic have just arrived at Nha Trang University.

The universities have had many years of cooperation in training and technological transfer with Nha Trang University. The students have registered courses in environment, history, zone development and economics.

During the course, Nha Trang University will provide favorable conditions for the students to learn about Vietnamese culture, pay visit the Traditional House and museum, and have exchange opportunities with Nha Trang University lecturers and students.

The course is scheduled to finish in late June, 2014.