09:03, 30/03/2014

BMGF - VN Project helps the rural to access Internet

The first "Computers for life" Festival, organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications, was held on March 21-23 in Thai Nguyen Province...

The first "Computers for life" Festival, organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications, was held on March 21-23 in Thai Nguyen Province.

The event received much experience shared by the project "Improving the ability to use computers and access public Internet in Vietnam" sponsored by the non-governmental organization Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Up to now, the project has been implemented in 28 provinces throughout the country.

38 public libraries and commune post offices in Khanh Hoa have benefited from 270 internet-access computers provided by the project, giving opportunity for information access to marginalized groups, including those in remote areas.