09:04, 28/04/2014

18th Asean Valuers Association Congress held in Nha Trang

The 18th Asean Valuers Association (AVA) Congress themed Valuation Profession Towards the ASEAN Economic Community...

The 18th Asean Valuers Association (AVA) Congress themed Valuation Profession Towards the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015. Opportunities and challenges" opened in Nha Trang City on April 25.

Present at the event were Tran Van Hieu, Deputy Finance Minister; Le Duc Vinh, Khanh Hoa Provincial Standing Party Committee member, Provincial People’s Committee Deputy Chairman; Nguyen Anh Tuan, term 2012-2014 AVA President, General Director of Price Management Department, Ministry of Finance of Vietnam; and delegates from the AVA nation members.

The 18th Asean Valuers Association Congress.

The 2 day- event included the hand over of AVA Presidency, thematic seminars on best practices in valuation; International valuation standard and its applicability in Asean countries; Business valuation, including valuation of intangible assets; mining assets and plantation; Valuation for different purposes such as valuation for land expropriation and valuation in litigation; etc.

Established in 1981, the AVA currently has 8 country members, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia and Vietnam.