03:04, 09/04/2014

Over 1,600 provided vocational training

Nha Trang City People's Committee  has held a ceremony to review 4-year implementation of the vocational training for rural laborers project (2010-2013) and define direction for the new term 2014...

Nha Trang City People’s Committee  has held a ceremony to review 4-year implementation of the vocational training for rural laborers project (2010-2013) and define direction for the new term 2014.

Nearly 60 vocational classes have been organized for more than 1,600 people, over 75% of whom have had jobs, meeting the project requirement.

In 2014, Nha Trang City will open 7 vocational classes for 230 people with a total expenditure of VND520 million and strive to reach 70-100% employment rate after completion of vocational training.