09:05, 02/05/2014

Initial effectiveness from Environment Protection Fund

Over the past years, the Environment Protection Fund has contributed greatly to environmental protection in Khanh Hoa Province...

Over the past years, the Environment Protection Fund has contributed greatly to environmental protection in Khanh Hoa Province.

The research subject “Sea-grass and mangrove regeneration and management in Thuy Trieu Swamp, Cam Lam” directed by the Institute of Oceanography” has brought delighted signals.

Mangrove regeneration in Thuy Trieu Swamp.

Besides, suggestions on rare wildlife have also been made together with a call for joint effort in bio-diversity preservation. This is one of the projects using the environmental projection fund in Khanh Hoa Province.

10 projects related to environmental investigation, research and application of technological advances to environmental protection are made a year on average, according to Khanh Hoa Department of Natural Resources & Environment.

They include mangrove investigation for bio-diversity management; solid waste management and oil spill response scheme; environmental report for the period 2006-2010, etc.

Many projects are nearing completion such as terrestrial bio-diversity database construction, information collection and additional environmental database construction; hazardous waste treatment and solutions; etc.

Other projects include strengthening the State management of biological diversity and safety; preservation of 4 rare species on Cam Ranh Peninsula; bio-diversity survey at Nha Trang Bay Reserve.

Over the past years, the environmental protection fund allocation has proved effective, contributing to raising the State’s management of natural resources and environment.

The effective use of the fund has met the demand in the management of natural resources and environment, urban environmental improvement, treatment of hazardous medical waste, propaganda on the protection of environment and natural resources.